
師生作品欣賞──Healing the floral scars

發佈日期 : 2020-06-11
  • 作品:Healing the floral scars
  • 作者:蔡羽玟
  • 指導老師:林懷欣
  • 獎項:2020年新一代設計展-時尚設計類年度最佳設計獎
  • 介紹:



From despair comes a new hope.

A bruises covered life heals like the dangling cord and rope. They twirl and curl to each other until at the end the healing scars blossom into flowers.


Healing the floral scars Healing the floral scars
Healing the floral scars Healing the floral scars

Healing the floral scars

